Wheelchair Repair
As a professional spare parts manufacture, we have a wide range of parts offer to our customers.
We also support wheelchair/scooter/power-wheelchair/sports wheelchair repair service regardless of wheelchairs brand.
Please make an appointment via our facebook, our after service team will give you our best support.
身為專業的輪椅零件廠,我們當然提供了多樣化的零件供客戶挑選,我們也提供各家廠牌的輪椅/代步 車/電動車/運動輪椅等的維修服務。
請於Facebook與我 們預約,我們的維修團隊將提供您最專業的服務。
Make your own mobility unique! (創造屬於您獨一無二的愛駒)